$297.00 USD

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You might also be interested in the body work I do (and teach) for which my movement courses are a great foundation. 

See bodymindspiritanatomy.com for information on that.

In case you haven't opted into my Free Chakra Mini Series, now might be the perfect time. It is an easy introduction to the chakras with useful information to know when taking Conscious™Anatomy Movement.  It's free.

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Conscious Anatomy™ Movement Bones Planes and Directions

This is a course at your own pace. You can set up 3 Zoom calls with Ann for Q&A and guidance at [email protected] (included). For best results plan to finish the course within two to three months.

What you'll get:

  • 8 movement classes- audio and video. 8 anatomy demos plus other relevant videos. 8 PDFs of terms and definitions. Enjoy on going access after completion o everything on line for the life of the course.
  • Three video calls with Ann. One when you start, another half way through and one when you complete - with some flexibility. 
  • Ongoing 1/2 hour Zoom calls with Ann for Q&A, guidance and discussion as part of People's Mudra Meditation Circle. Meets once a month on the Sunday after the New Moon over Zoom at 2PM ET.
  • link will be send to you via email.

For Conscious Anatomy™ course you will want to wear comfortable clothes you can move in.  You will need to be able to get on and off the floor.  You will need a space that is about the size, or bigger, of two snow angels side by side. You may want cushions, blocks, blanket.

If you need to contact Ann please send an email to [email protected]