
Courses in Conscious™Anatomy Movement and Reactive Triads™Bodywork

Deepen your anatomical knowledge.

Cultivate your relationship to yourself and the world and carve out a lucrative niche.

Classes with Ann Watkins MA DMT PCETI LMT
Approved provider through NCBTMB
Voicemail or text  1-860-599-4533
Email at [email protected]
For massage information see
Owner of New Harmony Therapeutic Massage and Somatic Body Work 

7 Week Chakra Mini Series: Includes Conscious Anatomy™ Sample Class

Cultivate grounding through your chakras and become your own master.

If you want some fun and healing ways to work with your chakras, this is a great place to start.

When you sign up, please subscribe so I can send you updates. And enjoy the sample class from Bones Planes and Directions.

This course is a series of PDFs. Chakra Basics provides essential information about that chakra. The Homework/Discussion section provides ways to practice working with each chakra for practice. Each chakra basics and homework will be delivered 7 days after the last. 

Go to "My Library" at the top right of your dashbooard to access the classes once you have signed up below.  Each chakra lesson shows up in your library a week after the previous one. Practice in between.  You will have free access to this course for the life of the course through this website.  Feel free to leave comments and questions for me at the bottom of each lesson.

This series is a useful foundation for Conscious Anatomy™ Bones Planes and Directions and the for Muscles and Attachments. For movement and manual therapists this is a useful beginning foundation to my Reactive Triads and Conscious Anatomy courses. Each course is worth 24 CE credits through NCBTMB. I am an approved provider.

 Clear out the muck and blossom into a new, energized you.

This PDF program with a preliminary class from Conscious Anatomy™ Bones Planes and Directions is complimentary.  Let's get to know each other. A stranger is simply a friend you haven't met yet. Contact me at [email protected]

When you opt in, please check the subscribe box or I won't be able send you the information.


Click here to Opt-in

Conscious Anatomy™ Bones Planes and Directions

 GREAT NEWS! I am now a Board Certified Approved Provider of Continuing Education through NCBTMB; gather those CEs with my upcoming courses.

Ease into your body, your joy, and a deeper understanding of yourself, anatomy and your well being.

 Experience self care that deepens your knowledge of anatomy.  Hone your skills with anatomy while you decrease pain and increase range of motion; soak up anatomy terms and concepts. Process grief, anxiety, depression (not a replacement for therapy, but often therapeutic) and bring more harmony to yourself and the whole world. Bring yourself to a whole new level through this "sublime, insightful, anatomy framed, body mind spirit opening" course series.

Conscious Anatomy is especially for Manual and Movement Therapists and everyone who wants to experience anatomy from the inside out with body mind spirit integration. A unique approach to processing somatic  and energetic issues in your tissues. Decreases anxiety.

Scroll down for a brief video introduction to Conscious Anatomy™ Movement. Bones Planes and Directions is always available as an on line drip course when you sign up below, soon to be followed by Muscles and Attachments. 

Click here to register for At Your Own Pace Drip Course online with Ann Watkins

Conscious Anatomy™ Muscles and Attachments

 The next step after taking Conscious Anatomy Bones Planes and Directions is to take the first level of Conscious AnatomyMuscles and Attachments. Continue the process as you blossom into more of you and absorb more tools to bring you and your clients into enhanced self healing with your new skills and your deeper understanding of anatomy.

You will have a personal experience of how anatomy terms and concepts function in your living moving body.  You will learn detailed firing sequences of muscles while engaging in whole body movement. Become intimate with your somatic and energy bodies for super healing skills while you increase your knowledge of  anatomy and resolve anxiety, pain, headaches.

I've had clients become body workers in response to studying Conscious Anatomy™ Movement and clients have gained a new level of healing in their bodies.  Coupled with Reactive Triads™ Body Work, chronic pain begins to recede.

Discover health and healing in your body while cultivating anatomy at your fingertips.

Conscious Anatomy™Muscles and Attachments will soon be available as an on line course series. I am busy editing the final levels and will soon be shooting and editing the videos. Stay tuned and go ahead and take Bones Planes and Directions at your own pace.

Reactive Triads™ Body Work DVD and Trainings

 Reactive Triads™Bodywork in person course this Nov. 18-19, 2024 from 10-6. Scroll down to the bottom for the in person course.

Learn the innovative cutting edge work of Ann Watkins that will revolutionize your practice and give you the tools to create a brilliant niche for yourself in the world of body work.  In person courses available. with CEs for all courses, NCBTMB approved provider.

Reactive Triads™ Bodywork uses muscle testing to determine over working and under working muscles. Such imbalances cause muscles to fire improperly or not at all. RT™B uses various techniques to relax the overworking muscles and then retests to activate the under working muscle(s). This re-patterns the misfiring that is causing intermittent and chronic pain. The result is postural corrective with increased range of motion, decreased pain (or eliminated), decreased inflammation and improved health and well being. It includes more than the muscle system as inhibitors of muscle fire.

My work is based in Jocelyn Olivier's NMR (renamed NKT in 2010 by David Weinstock) whose roots lie in Touch for Health whose roots lie in Acupressure, Shiatsu and Chinese Medicine.

Things I have been told:

"This is amazing! I feel like a brand new person."

"I thought the massage I was getting before was good. There is no comparison."

"My neck works! It hasn't for years. That constant pain when I turn is gone!"

"I can lift my leg to put my socks and pants on again!"

Learn this cutting edge body work. Take a live, in person course this Sept  22,23, 2024.  Check subscribe when you purchase this course with on line practice videos. Scroll down to register.

Another option: Invite a friend  or two for an in person course with a customized date: minimum 2 students, max 8. Contact me at [email protected]  or call or text at 860-599-4533 to see what we can set up.

Click here for Nov. 18-19 2024 in person course with online practice videos.

Conscious Anatomy™ Movement

Scroll up to sign up. For the intelligent Manual and Movement Practitioner and others interested in listening deeply to their body with body mind spirit integration and learn anatomy at the same time. Conscious Anatomy™ is a great opportunity for you to hone your anatomy skills and cultivate tools to grow your practice while you and your clients blossom. It is awesome for self care as you keep yourself healthy and learn how anatomy functions in your living, moving body. Check out my video below.


Conscious Anatomy™ Bones Planes and Directions video with student comments

with Ann Watkins MA DMT LMT

Opt-in to the Free Mini Chakra Series and then create an account for yourself after it takes you to your library. Click login and reset password. Then follow the instructions sent to your email address under Conscious Anatomy Movement Body Mind Spirit.

Reactive Triads™ Bodywork

Muscle Testing Supine for the back, neck and shoulders Sept. 22,23 2024 9AM -5PM


50% Complete

Two Step

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